A dance, musical theatre and acrobatics academy based in Bluntisham, Cambridgeshire.
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All Stars PA Official
Competition Team
A chance for our students to take their training to the next level, to shine their brightest in dance and singing festivals and performing around the country. All students who attend at least 3 classes with All Stars are invited to join the team with equal opportunities for everyone involved, the children will attend three classes a week including acrobatics and ballet as well as joining a weekly stretch and technical class and a private lesson every other week to lean their solo dance.
We have already had a lot of success at many competitions and festivals including placing regularly in the top 3 placements, gaining judges top choice overall and winning scholorships to attend top performing arts college summer schools.
Keep an eye out to celebrate our students success with us or better yet follow us instagram for live updates!
For competition team details please email - compteam@allstarspa.co.uk